When I was asked to review these products, I asked a lot of questions. I was hesitant because of my children. I wanted to know if these products were safe for my kids to be around. Being a mother, that was the first thing on my mind. *All products still say "to keep out of reach of children and seek medical advice if ingested or sprayed in eyes".
I was sent some Auto Dish Powder and Citrus Spray Cleaner. Both items were something I was looking forward to trying. Afterall, there are so many dishes to wash in a day and more than my share of surfaces to wipe down.

The Citrus Spray Cleaner smells better than the other strong

EcostoreUSA is known for it's No Nasty Chemicals™. While EcostoreUSA products do contain chemicals, they try to avoid some of the harsher ones.
So what does No Nasty Chemicals™ mean?
Overall, I was pleased with the way the products worked. I was happy that I had something under the sink that was safe for the environment. Both products worked just as well as others I have tried in the past. Which means, why not use cleaning solutions that work AND are safe for our planet."Our mission is to focus on individual health issues. Our ingredients are the principle factor in helping Ecostore achieve this goal. By eliminating hazardous toxins that are the basis of so many conventional cleaning products we not only help you but keep our planet in the best shape possible. Doing Good by Nature means taking the wonderful gifts that nature offers and developing plant based products that are safe, authentic and really work.
Would you like to learn more about what we consider "nasty chemicals?" and the truth about what "going green" really means."
EcostoreUSA offers a wide variety of products including, Baby Care, Body Care, Pet Care, Hair and Household. There is something for everyone to try and make a little "green" mark of your own. You can read more about the EcostoreUSA, Follow them on Twitter and join their Facebook page. I'd also invite you to sign up for their No Nasty Chemicals™newsletter!
Leave me a comment telling me how you and your family "Go Green". You will be entered to win a $25.00 gift certificate to the Ecostore!Entries will be accepted until Friday, October 16th! A winner will be chosen by random and announced on October 17th!
We certainly don't do as much as we should, but here are a few things.
(1) I clean with Baking Soda and Vinegar. I started when I was pregnant as I was a little leery of breathing in noxious fumes. I've kept it up because it is (1)cheap, (2) easy, (3) and safer.
(2) I recycle the weirdest items to use with my daughter for her "school." Example: I save plastic lids (like from milk jugs, orange juice) to use for her to sort by color, practice making patterns, etc.
(3)All of our grass clippings, rabbit mulch, etc., go into a compost pile.
(4) My husband always buys the energy saving light bulbs.
I guess that's about it. :)
Great giveaway!
Following in my Shoes
I stopped buying the plastic individual servings of fruit and applesauce. We only eat fresh fruit, and I buy the largest jar of applesauce. It can be put in a small re-useable tupperware type dish for lunches, etc.
We recyle everything the trash company picks up - aluminum, cardboard, glass, plastics.
We don't buy bottled water. We use a brita filter and re-useable bottles.
Just a couple things we started recently :)
Hmmm, let's see...
I make most of our food (to reduce consumption of resources such as plastic), we recycle by DRIVING our recyclables across town, compost, cloth diaper, drive only one car, garden organically, eat as organically as possible for our financial situation...and that's all I can think of for now. :)
Hmm, sounds like some neat products to try! We just started recycling like crazy this year - since we've started I've noticed that we actually have tons of things to not throw away, lol. I love the Method brand cleaners too - especially the one for wood!
Our family recycles our cans and plastic.We have a couple of family members we got to start saving cans,plastic,paper and we go and pick it up for them to recycle.I clean w/mostly soap and water unless it's this time of year and I break out the Lysol.Small grocery runs take our own bag,unplug all our t.v.,computer cords at night to save on power use the dryer less often.This is a few things our family does to go green.I got 4 kids I want them to have an Earth.
I don't do too much-we recycle bottles and cans and return them for deposit here in Maine, and I try to use paper instead of plastic and I also use reusable grocery bags. It is a start.
glidden.tiffany at yahoo.com
We do tons around here. We only flush "when needed", reuse tons of our waste for "art" and use and re-use cloths instead of papertowels or napkins. We wash out and reuse our plastic baggies and try to bring the cloth bags to the grocery store. :)
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